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Art in Public Places

Creating connection, conversation and community
by making world class art available to all.

We Support Beautiful Things

Art in Public Places


(AiPP) has enhanced the lives of Bend residents and visitors by placing commissioned works of art throughout the city for more than 50 years.

Our goal is to inspire and delight, and to connect to our area’s natural beauty, culture, past and future, and to each other. We hope to spark conversations, even if it’s, “What is that?”

The works of art are commissioned, installed and then gifted to the city of Bend, Bend Parks & Recreation District, Deschutes Public Library, Central Oregon Community College and other public institutions.

Our public art collection has been growing since it began in 1973, thanks to generous funding by the Bend Foundation and numerous private donors. Join us and DONATE NOW

There are over 40 roundabouts in Bend and more are planned throughout town. AiPP is proud to have commissioned and gifted a sculpture to twenty-two roundabouts in our community. The collection belongs to all of us.